Wednesday , July 24 2024
Support Committee of the International Campaign of Battling with Coronavirus by Attitude of Pioneer Thinkers Company Photo

Support Committee of the International Campaign of Battling with Coronavirus

Support Committee of the International Campaign of Battling with Coronavirus

Support Committee of the Campaign of Battling with Coronavirus includes real and legal individuals such as: news agencies, training centers, translation centers, scientific sites, film companies, investors, translators in all languages, elites and celebrities, social activists, benefactors, network media activists, recovered patients, ordinary people, and more. These people will also perform two activities:

Firstly, the tasks of these people depending on their ability and scope of work includes news support, financial support, training videos needed by the company, producing useful and informative content, submitting their own observations or useful news to the campaign, etc. that can reduce the amount of work pressure from the specialist area and help them focus their maximum focus on just finding the vaccine and treating the coronavirus.

The second activity of these loved ones, which is very important given the high speed of the virus and the need for up-to-date scientific information and education available to the general public, is the coverage and introducing repeatedly the “One World for One World Campaign” and the publication and dissemination of training and hygiene tips by the campaign in their news and social media networks.

While Attitude of Pioneer Thinkers Company has devoted all its financial resources to this charity campaign and will not hesitate to pay for this charity, any donation to the campaign can certainly be of great importance.

Translators in different languages ​​will also be one of our key contributors, and translating campaign content into their own language will make our content equally useful to all people in the world and their compatriots. The role of social media activists or anyone who is on social media in different countries will be critical for informing their compatriots.

To Join the Support Committee of the International Campaign of Battling with Coronavirus Please Complete the Following Form:

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